I have had such amazing friends in my life... One of those being William Sorrenson. Life has gotten crazy for us both and it has been way overdue since we have spent time together. I heard that he was leaving on his mission soon, so I attended his farewell. When I saw him, I realized how much I have missed spending time with him and what an incredible guy he is! He is so ready to serve a mission and will do such an amazing job. This past saturday we went on a fun group date with his brother and best friend. We drove down to Provo in a huge suburban, went to crown burger (which was actually so good) and then to comedy sports. That is hillarious and I would recommend it to anyone. Good, fun, clean, stand up comedy :) Then we got milk shakes and drove home. The freeway was doing construction on the route home, so instead of the 2 hour drive, it took us 4 hours!! We moved exactly one mile in the first hour! Crazy ridiculous! But at least the company was amazing! I had such a good time and feel so blessed to know such wonderful people. I laughed hard, sang hard, and smiled hard :) Those are the best days :)

Car ride down... Chris "You're sitting in a home entertainment system!"
The "Shake your face" game, and take a pic. Please look at Blondies face! hahaha! I was laughing so hard!
The "blow your lips" game and take a picture :)
At Comedy Sports together. Please note the ridiculous pictures on the wall as well as the kind people in front of us ducking! Hahahah! Thank you kind people :)
Sure do love this kid! Good luck Elder Sorrenson! You shall rock the world! :)
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