Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ogden 4 EFY: last week of EFY

It is absolutely crazy to think I am done with my last week of EFY. I can retire my bright blue and butter yellow polo. I no longer go to a fireside every sunday where my heart beats fast wondering who my kids will be for the next week and who I will be working with 24/7 for a whole week. There is no more waking up at 6 am every morning to prepare devotionals. There is no more meeting a group of kids that become mine and I get the privilege of working and getting to know so well. There will be no more partying at the wild dances every tuesday and friday night. There is no more thursday night testimony where the fruits of my labor become evident. But when something great ends, I know something great will soon begin. I'm excited to see where life will take me and use all I've learned at EFY to help me be the best person I can be. This last week was a good one. My kids were so kind and had such amazing in sight into things. Their cheer was ridiculously wonderful and won the cheer off. Oh how they made me smile :) Darling darling darling!

Place: Ogden, Utah
Age: 14-15
Co-counselor: Aaron
Session Director: Brother Hollist
Company: Curse Breakers

 There's our banner! Note the chain, says curse breakers and it is being broken.
 Oh how I love Ricky. What would the summer have been like without him? Best BC for sure!
Two of my angel girls, Bay and Whit. What sweethearts and so mature.
 My co Aaron and I at games night with the rugby ball. Our kids were a little obsessed with it and taught me how to throw it. I wasn't very good...
 Our amazing session directors, Brother and Sister Hollist. I sure look up to them and the amazing love they have for each other. I want a marraige like theirs.
Katie and Mckenna: words can not express the smallest part which I feel. I love them with every ounce in my heart.
 Our cheer at games night. Yes, this was the part where the bus singing, "the wheels on the bus go round and round" as they hit the dog of the boy who it having the worst day ever! I died! Really! Died!
 My best friends that I had the honor to stay with this last week. These girls mean the world to me.
A little ultimate ninja slap! I was very pleased how bad we whooped the other teams! I am a little competitive... okay, alot!
 My girl Rachel, leaving on a mission soon and will be so incredible. I loved talking with her and getting to know her these past few weeks. She wrote me a note that meant a whole lot to me. She is amazing.
 One of my great friends Sam. He helped me so much with my thoughts and just when I needed a friend. Such a neat kid.
 Bryson and Caleb, the most amazing twins I have ever met! Both those boys are just spectacular!
 Micen, such a ladies man! For real! He was always surrounded by girls from who knows where. But he was such a sweet heart and such an important part of our group. His testimony was so strong too and uplifted so many of us.
 Okay, I'm gonna miss this...
 Kjarinda, the most amazing counselor I think EFY has ever seen!
 Me and my girls :)
 Here's my co Aaron and I! Such a crazy kid!
 All boys and I :)
 Love my girl Savannah
 Do they have a curse? Ya they have a curse. Can we break the curse? Ya, we break the curse! Curse breakers!
 Gosh, I just love Matt!
 Luke and Treyson... they made me laugh... alot!
 How cute are these girls! Rachel and Bay! Love them!
 Oh Jayden, how I love her! I had her brother Josh in my group about 4 weeks ago! She was as equally as awesome as her brother! For real, these kids and just incredible. Her and her mom gave me a watch that said, "thank you for the time you have spent with my kids. You will be blessed." How freaking sweet is that! Gosh, I just adore this family and my girl Jayden and boy Josh. I will miss them so much!

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